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originally posted in: best thing ever said
3/24/2017 5:15:42 PM
As a player from the beta i'm going to have to disagree with what most of what was said. Year 1 isn't some glorious era that Bungie trampled over. Year 1 was a barren waste land full of missed potential and imbalance. If anyone want's to point the finger of blame on who "ruined" destiny the only people that should be pointed at is the community. Yes. Bungie had a hand in things. But a lot of their decisions were fueled by community feedback. And yes. there were some things Bungie chose to do on their own. But I would still blame the community if anything. His/her whole post is pure nostalgia. They talk about the glory of end game in vanilla. Really? Forever 29. Or how about the fact that the hardest content in vanilla wasn't important to pvp. Or a majority of pve either. Something that still reigns true today. Hell we didn't even get worthy looking armor for completing Raids until triumph came around. THAT is what raid armor should look like. Nightfalls were difficult back then NOT because we were sent to orbit (that's artifical fluff. get over yourself) nightfalls were scary/difficult because we were new as was our power. as more content came out we became more powerful in game. Even if Bungie brought back OG nightfalls we'd still stomp through them like we do today. I hardly call the grind for the vex worth it. It's my favorite gun in the game. But it was clearly overpowered. even if we restored it to it's OG form now it would still be too strong. it was nerfed before a majority of the players could even taste how strong it truly was. I really doubt this poster even had it pre nerf. The rest of the grind I already touched on. forever 29. It's a hard pill to swallow. But when games bring new content out. Generally old content isn't relevant anymore. Destiny had the right setup. the right model. They just lacked the depth/amount of content to make it work. And I really doubt that people would have embraced it then. Since destiny is an fps after all. We're getting what we wanted with triumph. old content is finally brought up. And it isn't enough. people are already saying "what's the point?" Let me clue you in. Even if content stayed relevant through out destiny it wouldn't be enough. people would still complain about not enough content. And doing the most difficult content still wouldn't mean anything. since being max light has never been meaningful. At this point that particular complaint is just a hollow excuse to dig at Bungie. Just going to point out that Trials was 100% a community demanded thing. Yeah. Bungie did mess up by making a lot of balance changes around trials. But those are again changes made from community demand. I remember specifically arguing against Trials because this game is clearly not that level of competitive. Look where we ended up? Also. I grinded my arse off to get a perfect rolled felwinters. and I wasn't sad to see it go. Year 1 ended with exotic handcannons being the only relevant primary, shotguns that could snipe you. and tracking rockets. And forget trying to nail one of the pub stars when they could just blink/slide so fast that you couldn't land a shot. Am I saying all balance changes pre TTK were good? No. But it certainly was far from this perfect picture the poster paints. In my opinion Destiny was near perfect (in terms of balance) right after TTK dropped and Bungie made balance changes to each subclass. You want my opinion? This poster is clearly just upset over the time/money they invested. and instead of acknowledging any good that was done they decided to shame the hell out of Bungie. they clearly are just running on nostalgia. You want to know how destiny 2 will really do well? All they have to do is keep pve and pvp seperate, make sure pve has more depth (and it's in game,) and add more depth to it's RPG elements. Destiny 1 was made into a primary FPS game due to the worry that it wouldn't be accessible enough to the masses. The entirety of Destiny 1 can be seen as flawed because of this. All Bungie really has to do is make sure the RPG elements of the franchise come first this time around.

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