No, adding matchmaking to raids will distribute dev time which is needed for real issues.
You want to raid? Make a group, there you can ensure people have mics, know what they're doing, don't suck, have time and won't go afk.
Raid matchmaking is a horrible idea, again the afk, trolls, bad players, underleveled players, clueless players, ones who leave, ones who don't know what a raid is, ones who kill random adds instead if damaging the boss, etc ad infinitum.
Oracles you'd need to solo
Templar you'd need to solo
Gorgon's you'd have to quit at
Gatekeepers forget
Atheon unless you get teleported is over
You'd need to solo up to crota, at crota though they'd keep dying summoning more and more oversouls.
Forget kings fall, you're not doing it, statues they wouldn't open doors or collect the other orb in time, would spend [i]hours[/i] at the ship jump, even longer at the totems, whatever is left of the group wouldn't be able to kill Warpriest, get lost in the maze, wouldn't have been able to kill golgoroth even if they had got to him, would have taken another hour at the jumping puzzle, another hour at deathsisters and a year at oryx. Lol challenge mode.
At vosik everyone would throw at random times, wouldn't take out monitors or wouldn't get to the room in time, zamboni you'd be the only one killing the adds or taking parts, they'd drop parts off the side, die by the first wall or forget all about meekis while you drag all 3 parts across the road, aksis they'd spam the cannons instead of charging a shot, forget there is a servitor at all, not look at the right side cause of no communication (assuming they even had mics or were interested in listening), good luck with aksis with 2 empowereds on one side, or that guy who doesn't know what to do with it, or that one that stands too far away. Lol challenge mode.
Tl;dr: raid matchmaking is a horrible idea that will waste dev time and resources we could use on real problems and is a system no one would ever use past the first 3 trys where they get stuck at the first part for 2 hours. You would not want this, no one aside from the guys who are just looking for a carry thru it while they afk would.
I would always find a team anyways, but I agree. Never will I matchmake for a sixth