Ghost bullets is not an issue. Range is your issue and quit shooting outside the "effective range" of your handcannon. Quit spreading false info
From my understanding even in the effective range there's still a cone for where the bullet can go. If within that range it's more likely, not 100% that it'll hit where you aim.
Sounds like how a hc should work. No more mapping people with a stockless weapon from across the map while in the air.
It affects shotguns as well ....
Actually it sounds low key broken to some extent. If you're not able to hit some shots while in the effective range then there's something wrong. If you go outside of that I understand, but this sometimes tends to be an issue with hand cannons. If i ads at someone's head i want my bullets to go there and not somewhere else linked to a cone of where the bullet could potentially go.
What kind of troll claims ghost bullets are not an issue? Wow please go educate yourself.
Ghost bullets is a figment of the uniformed, swinging on streamers nuts, losers (like yourself). Ghost bullets would imply the disappear.... yet not a single video has proven that. The videos clearly shows them hitting walls just outside of the hitbox of the player. So this implies get something with more range or move closer.... wow omg really?! Im sorry but a weapon with a 4 inch barrel should not be able to compete with a long barrel and shoulder stock weapon. Now move along you're annoying me
Yes a figment of the uniformed that has been tested and proven. You do realize ghost bullets affect more than hand cannons right? Move along troll.
Edited by Hulkksmash: 12/9/2016 6:26:35 PM"Has been tested" lololol By who Triple, who literally called things by the wrong name the entire time?! He doesn't know his head from his ass when it comes to how the sandbox and weapons work. Oh! .... i almost forgot about the 14 year old streamers who latch on to the newest complaint for views. Yeah, that's some real in depth testing there ! HAHAHAHA
Even with on effective range ghost bullets happen bungie stated that its to keep you from shooting your Handcannon to fast
Thats not ghodt bullets ... thats bloom. Get it right. Once again the uniformed making comments about shit they clearly dont understand
Considering there is no dictionary definition and it is all slang it makes me wonder did you just make that up.
Lol no ut is exactly what bungie calls it. Bloom flares out the cone to make you shoot slower to keep accuracy. Ghost bullets is a player base term created off false info. It implies bullets magically just disappear, but in reality they are there but hitting just outside of opponents hit box. Triple who started this stupid mess, was wrong in his videos. He was calling shit what it wasn't and feeding false info to the nutswingers. Everyone else with a brain could see his video was misleading and didn't supply factual information.
Ghost bullets/bloom are ridiculous in its self being punished for using my fire rate and aiming at them.
Ghost is a figment players inagination. Bloom is a system in place to balance hc.. otherwise its like thorn cross map style hc's. While hc's are fun ... i dont want it like it was during that weapon balance
Bungie is the only company to introduce this and when they did in halo it was changed in a week becuase the player base was infuriated just like this time aiming at somone and shooting at your guns fire rate and missing cause your shooting to fast is ridiculous
It is not lol. Go shoot a gun in another game and watch the circle of accuracy increase then decrease after shots ... smh. Otherwise youd hold full auto weapons wide open and not be bursting them (like most everyone does).
It is not lol. Go shoot a gun in another game and watch the circle of accuracy increase then decrease after shots ... smh. Otherwise youd hold full auto weapons wide open and not be bursting them (like most everyone does).
The only gun people don't full auto is the last word. I think ur referring to shooting fast makes it harder to control but it certainly dose not just miss even though you are aiming at them
This phenomenon has been happening way before triple. Ghost bullets are a term used by the community to describe the same thing so why dose it better what term is used any way?
Tbey have been called ghost bullets since halo buddy.
Just report all his comments for disrespect and move on before you get pulled in and he gets you edited for comments by forum admins when you take the bate of his trolling.
I thoguht it was an ok conversation just two people talking
He is starting to call people "uniformed" and "followers of youtube squeakers" which is not that at all. Clearly he's trolling.
Very true he defiantly dose approach the situation hoe he should. I enjoy talking balence and proving my point so I did so. Im on vacation and very bored cause the rest of my family isn't here yet😂
Ghost bullets is completely an issue. You can be shooting dead on within the damage falloff range and get ghost bullets. Please stop spreading false info.