All you have to do is answer the following question [b][i]without using the Internet[/i][/b], and leave your results on the poll above.
So here's the question:
P E _ M D A S
Which letter is missing from the Order of Mathematical Operations, and which Mathematical Operation does it represent?
Good luck!
Edit: Fine. Since the majority of you don't get it, here's the answer:
[spoiler]The missing Operation is the Logarithm, which is the inverse to the Exponent. The log button you see on your calculators? That's the common log, or log base 10. Whereas with Exponents, when you raise a base to a power to find a result, you take log base (insert base number) of a number to find out the power the base is raised to to get your result.[/spoiler]
I've literally never heard PELMDAS