Rewards for simply participating. Who cares if you actually performed well. Did you even try? You can literally jump into nearly any activity, shoot one thing and run around the rest of the time, and get a better 'reward' than the person who tried.
It's the same in schools, community sports clubs, the workplace, and now coming to a whitehouse near you....
To those replies taking this post too literally, just stop it. If you don't understand the concept expressed, don't bother shedding your failed intellectual property onto the good people who do share the point of view suggested.
In other words, yes you are entitled to your opinion, but keep it to yourself.
To the person who doesn't like how I spelled 'whitehouse' ... too bad. It's a lowercase word in my books. I'm not American, so you can't guilt me into respecting it more than I don't.
Want to be rewarded purely on performance and delivery? Start your own business..