Seems like the real rude one was OP for staying for so long just to ruin someone else doing something specific even though he could have just requed with another team to continue ranking
You lose bonus Xp if you go back to orbit. The other people could have left to load up the strike with their third person.
I don't want what you're smoking.
Nope. He was partway through soloing it, when those clowns jumped in and started placing demands on HIM. That's rude. I'd queue up normal Echo Chamber before skeleton keys were a thing, and run through to boss in less than 9 minutes. Always irritated the crap out of me when I'd be using the boss cheese and someone joined, after I DID ALL THE WORK. I would try to indicate what I was doing, to no avail. While the randoms irritated me, sitting down and refusing to proceed would have been dickish of me, just as it was of these buffoons.