[quote]Guy plays strikes for keys
Guy gets invited to farm strike for keys
Guy refuses and sits there for an hour
Guy finishes strike then goes to orbit to do more strikes.
You dont read well do you?
OP clearly stated he was doing it for a vangaurd rank.....
Guy plays strikes to rank up vanguard Randoms join looking to farm keys ask guy that already has strike almost done to leave Guy refuses to leave and finishes strike There ya go.
Are you telling me I have to reword my clearly clever and underestimated totally humorous reply including emote? Let's just leave it like it is. Hmm?
That's what you get for using emotes. [spoiler][i]i prefer to leave something to the imagination [/i][/spoiler]
..... I must be missing something, for out of the three characteristics you listed for your reply, i can only see the emote...
I assure you. They're all there.
Mmm... nah, sorry, don't see them