I've had a Suros Dis 43 and 47 weapon package from the Gunsmith for months. All I want is those two scout rifles with full auto and either hand laid stock or braced frame. And for months there hasn't been an arms day with those rolls.
I've tried to farm skeleton keys - whenever I get a key I do Omnigul hoping for a Grasp with counter balance and either hand laid stock or braced frame. I've had dozens of Grasp's and still have yet to get one with a roll I want.
I play a lot (but not so much lately). I'm easily top 10% in time played. Does that improve my chances of getting primary weapons worth half a shit? Nope. I'm so over trying to fight RNG in this bullshit game that I'm going to take OP's route and check out Battlefield. -blam!- it.
I hear you bro my god the loot system went from very low drop rates to impossibly useless. I have both those Suros gun packages also still waiting for the full auto god rolls. I was lucky I farmed for a grasped malok in June when omnigul was the nightfall that week I made it out of that with a grasp of malok that has braced frame, third eye and counter balance. Good luck on your omnigul farms though dude it is fu**ing crazy now so again good luck. 👍🏾