Would be worse than handing control of your government to a Trump? I'm waiting!!
Edited by Syndicate Bias: 10/27/2016 1:22:49 AMThey're american? American people are idiots and would vote for Hillary as everyone in Britain And Australia(you) And the EU Would know that Americans can be fed any kind of bullshot and buy it. Apparently presidents can launch nukes at any time without congress lmfao. There's one lie. Point is Hillary supporters are terribly misinformed and misguided. Hillary could care less about a war with Russia. As far as everyone who is informed she's a liar to the very core not saying Trump is a good man or he's amazing or the saviour but he's at least less of an actual threat than hillary. Oh and hillary don't give a shot about how many american men die in a war. Since she's a woman and that's something that apparently she should get votes for. Aside from the fact that she doesn't give a damn about her own people anyways so bye bye to them lol. Not saying Engalnd rn is doing the very best but its getting better ish o_o Now those who are neutral or whatever don't be triggered lol meant for the misinformed Americans even though I poorly texted this as all Americans are idiots