Unlike the grasp of malok and pretty much every other pulse rifle. Almost every other pulse rifle you can either have stability or high caliber rounds but not both. Having high caliber rounds and maximum stability at that rate of fire makes the gun almost unbeatable.
That archetype of pulse rifles has no down fall as it is, there's hardly any damage drop off, it's good at ALL ranges. It can beat scout rifles at long range.
No, I'm not asking for a nerf, I want primaries buffed badly!
The only thing I hate about this gun is the RNG element in getting it. Why should one player be able to enjoy it and get some in a million roll while others can't even get the gun. No more special snow flakes << if one can get - all should get. That way everyone can play on a level field. The waltz can't even get braces frame / hand laid stock so adding another meta WEAPON that heavily relies on RNG is fcking stupid