I am getting short on vault space (a terminal condition), in particular the inventory due to too much Spin Metal and no one accepting it.
I have two slots wasted on Spark of Light (3 year two and 1 year three).
There is no option to discard (or use these). Other than ripping a character (I will not do it), there is no way I can see to discard these.
BUNGIE: Please allow us to discard the Spark of Light.
[i]Addendum: To those who suggest that I spend (or discard) planetary materials, I do when possible or discard as needed. And to those who want more vault space, I would like that too. But what this post (request to Bungie) is about, is to ask for a way to discard a pair of items that[b] PERMANENTLY WASTE INVENTORY SPACE[/b]. There is no use for Sparks of Light for existing characters and I have no plans to rip one (just to rid myself of useless items).[/i]
No, what u should be asking is for more vault space.