Add wheelertequila for the nightfall or the new raid or for farming as well
Also if anyone is interested in joining a clan hit me up and I can get something sorted.
Warlock storm caller keen to farm omnigul light 361, add SamoanStalker
350 stormcaller lfg omnigul farm Add and invite
looking for 2 players mainly hunters to farm Omnigul, add: FallenFate-ii
Looking to do omnigul farming. Add me sparks469
360+ arc weapons 1 needed for omnigul farming add darknight_j and join
Warlock 346 search group add Kingvini_Qc22
Hey guys. 353 stormcaller looking to farm omni please hit me up. Psn: ghamochi i can do this all day seriously
Need 1 hunter for omni add me
Im Titan 355 lfg omni farm
358 warlock lets get it
Ps4 360hunter for omni farm.
354 night stalker looking to farm omnigul need another night stalker and anything after that
Need 2 guys to help me farm omnigul im a titan so i need a nightstalker
Need 1 Titian add Hollywood-21
357 hunter looking ti farm omnigul GT is th golden ace
356 Hunter with raze looking for 2 to farm Omnigul.. I'm an experienced day 1 player who's just trying to get my level up..
Need a Nighthawk hunter add me.
Have two titans, one with fist of havoc and gjall, one with razelighter and defender/fist. Possibly looking for a hunter with tether to assist in 320 omnigul farm
Need a group to farm with I'm a nightstalker
Need a storm caller warlock for omnigul farming add wheelertequila must be at least 360
I. Have a 366 hunter w/raze lighter 364 titan and a 364 warlock
Need 2 for heroic farming
356 Striker Titan LF Omnigul farm. I have the arc sword from Shaxx. And can manage to get 2 fist of havocs off in one attempt.
355 bubble Titan with fire sword and thunder lord
Hunter 356 looking for a group, add me