I have wasted too much time, spamming my god damn button to install the update on my PS4. I have 41.23 GB free, and it won't do shit. It goes to 3%, and fails. Every single -blam!-ing time. I nearly broke my controller. So now because of bungies dumb ass updating system, I can't play rise of iron, and I don't know if I ever will. That sounds a little overdramatic, but I've been trying to do this for 6 hours. [i][b][u]SIX GOD DAMN HOURS[/u][/b][/i] I've been spamming the same button. I've reset my PS4, more times then I can count, and I've restarted my internet several times. WHAT THE -blam!- BUNGIE! I need help, or BUNGIE needs to get their shit together.
I'm having the exact same problem. This is a joke. The only responses from Bungie I've seen amount to "Still having the problem", with people responding "YES" and that gets no reply. Also, they told someone to reinstall the entire game. Ridiculous.