Yeah... What have you been doing since you left? *He stabs an imp in the head*
"Nada. Just gone."
Oh... Okay
"Sorry to disappoint."
Oh, you're fine
"So what have you been doing?"
Well you can't do much when your soul is trapped inside Garuud's prison
"Of course not."
Yeah... Of course you'd know about prison, Izodath.
"Shut up Gore."
*He chuckles a little* I had that coming
"Yeah. Ya did."
*He sighs a little* So, uh, what did I miss when I was... Dead?
"Not much. My quest. People left."
Yeah, I saw that a couple people, even you, left
"Yeah. Chaos."
Why exactly?
"Because of how many people left.
Oh... Okay
"With the Twilight war and everything."
Oh yeah that
"You forgot?"
Oh, no. I just didn't think that's why they left