Come to think of it I play on xbox and man the system is so broken now. Lag all the time, party chat lag, game lag, fail to sign in the list goes on. Xbox too focus on what they want to do and not hearing about the complaints of their customers, there's been times where I was or say percent wise not going to get live no more. Microsoft is focus more on PC, labtops, desktops, etc.
Also if Microsoft keeps this trend I will say good by to Xbox and switch over, they really made me salty on a lot of things. Sony(those Sony exclusive) and Nintendo(metroid) are my to favorite gaming companies, Microsoft's Xbox I was well hook line and sinker-ed into it by friends. (well for call of duty)
Your Xbox in particular might have some issues but I can't really say I've had too many experiences like that.
I think its due to I went into there beta program and was fooled on the deals that they would do for Us beta dashboard(home screen) people.
Does microsoft have any viable exclusives? They have gears of war, and forza. And yea theres a lot of problems with the dashboard and the system. Could run faster if it wasn't so cluttered. I will still continue to play both consoles, money is changing hands and can't do a thing about that.
I choose forza over gears, why Gears was good until they continue with Gears 4. Same goes with Halo good up to a certain point. I don't really see that many people on my friends list playing any gears game, forza or Halo. I see a lot of Destiny and Cod. So really Xbox exclusives have almost turned to dust. Yeah that true about money is changing hands on who gets what.