I've supported Bungie since Halo: Combat Evolved. They've obviously forgot the player base that helped make them. Each time they release a new DLC, I think it'll be different this time. I've been around since Beta, played for 2452h and have deleted 14 characters (just for the chance at max light gear). I'm in the top 2% for the amount of time people have put into this game. This is not the game that was originally promised, and I'm done hoping they'll make good on that promise. It's not just about the exclusives for me. It's also the constant Nerfs and how they can't seem to separate PVP from PVE. I'm tired of my weapons and abilities getting f[b]u[/b]ucked because of PVP b[b]i[/b]tching. Then there's the fact that there still no private servers. It's almost like the condone lag switchers. I'll play till RoI, but after that I'm done. I will be one of those players who no longer funds this Frankenstein's Monster of a game. [spoiler][/spoiler]
Thats whats up brother. Like, I'm literally turned off. Thats how much you know it matters and cares to you. That you've lasted this long, just hoping, trying to give reasons to their sanity. Truth is, our compassion compels us otherwise. Yes, I was hyped and in a small way, still am. But after this continued BS. Not anymore. Seriously, I didn't even log onto Destiny today and info from RoI suddenly seemed so bland and uninteresting. Loaded up the Titanfall 2 MP beta test, open to Xbos, Xboners and ps4 peeps alike. It was great and for the first time, had me yelling and jumping in my seat after destroying a titan.
I didn't know that was out. Going to have to give it ago. Titanfall was pure pvp, I suck at pvp but I loved the shit out of that game.