All guns take no skill, I've literally gotten a hate message no matter what gun I use.
I use a AR, "doctrine is cheap you piece of shit, get gud.
I use a pulse rifle, "kid your bad, put the messenger away".
I used a hand cannon, "bruh, freaking eysluna, you're bad".
I used a scout rifle, "take a off the mida".
I use snipers, "snipers take no skill".
I use a shotgun, "shotguns take no skill".
I use a fusion rifle, "put the plan C away kid".
I use a side arm, "havoc pigeon is OP, you're bad".
I use a machine gun. "You only went unbroken cause you used heavy, get gud"
I use a rocket, "that triple would've never happened, get gud and use a primary".
I hate when people say snipers take no skill
I double bump this.