Edit: Xbox users and those that are otherwise unfamiliar with Playstation apps, I'll address the confusion now since it keeps cropping up and help save some time. You're looking at a message as it is viewed on the Playstation mobile messenger app. It looks similar to Facebook messenger, but it is an extention of the psn mobile app.
So I just finished up a match where I was using The First Curse to complete the handcannon kills part of shaxx's quest line, and shortly after the match is over I receive this lovely piece of mail in my inbox.
I am left in a state of bewilderment, as I am not quite prepared on how to handle this. I honestly thought I'd never live to see this day come.
Edit 2: Apparently some are unable to view the image so here is the content:
Butthurt stranger: scrub
Me: lol what?
Butthurt stranger: you heard me. Keep using your op meta gun. You're trash.
Me: lmao you gotta be kidding me. First curse isn't op OR meta. Bye.
Butthurt stranger: you're garbage[/quote]
Maybe it's a try-hard and they couldn't accept that they got outplayed by a crappy hand cannon.