2.Spams Shurikens in your ass
3.You turn around and shoot him
4.He Reflects and you die
2.Spams Shurikens in your ass
3.You turn around and start shooting him
4.He reflects and you stop shooting
5.He then constantly Double Jumps backwards and spams Shurikens
6.He uses his dash to kill you
You know its true
I love playing as Winston and running into a Genji. As usual, they'll constantly be jumping to avoid damage, but they'll soon realize that they can't dodge Winston's electricity weapon. Then they'll try to deflect it, and realize they can't. Now that they're nearly dead, they figure their only option is to run away. So they use their strike to escape, only for Winston to jump right on top of them and finish them off. It's so satisfying.