The doc is a high rof auto with minimal damage per bullet but large clips to compensate.
For these numbers I am assuming you land all shots and they are body shots, I assume that because its the goal
(the runs 54 to 78 bullets with 66 being the default so I will use 66 to demonstrate the nerf, in PvP the guardian has 200 hp)
Pve let's say it did 15 damage per bullet point blank. You empty the clip and that 990 a fairly hefty sum the 6% nerf takes it to 14.1 per bullet giving 930.6 (#fractions count)
So if a hive knight has 300hp (guessing)
20 bullet body hits to kill before nerf
After the nerf it takes 21.2765957...or 22 bullets both are 3 per clip and at that rate of fire you shouldn't feel to big a change, maybe just a bit percecptibly slower.
PvP if a shot does 12.5 damage (to the body and all are body shots)with 200hp
It's 16 shots to kill and research showed me it was 15-17 bullets to kill at peak usage. This is pre nerf
Post nerf a shot does 11.75 damage and with a 200hp guardian it is now 17.0212765 shots to kill(why is the fraction important because it means 18 bullets) so 18 shots to kill
What does this mean in terms of will still mow people down. It will do so just a hair slower. That said other things now have a chance because the archtypes are so close in the time to kill area. we could see fast scouts and pulse rifles be more effective. Some of it will be so close it could be as simple as who got the shot off first.
Please fell free to go out try it and let me know below if you agree or disagree
6% was way too much considering the TTK from most high stability or high impact pulse rifles was compatible. Bungie has just brought back initial taken king style pulse rifle meta