In Fallout/TES, if you go into a town/city/village/kingdom and start attacking people, everyone gangs up on you a completely wrecks your shit. Now what if it was like this in real life? A shooter walks into a school/club/whatever and pulls out a gun firing into the crowd. A couple people get shot, but everyone else pulls out a gun and completely blows the shooter away. We would have a much smaller amount of shootings. Not everyone will get a gun. If you've been marked as unstable, you will not get a gun. If you have any criminal record or are suspicious of criminal activity, you will not get a gun. All of those who get a gun will get basic training on how to use it, clean it, and how to aim foe arms/legs. Cops will get access to heavy duty rifles and armor if riots were to start.
But the gunner could just sheath his weapon, and pay the bounty...
If towns were like Fallout or Elder Scrolls, shootouts would result in the shooter walking away with everything that wasn't nailed down (f*** over-encumbrance and the logistics of where everything is kept) and a bunch of naked bodies piled up in compromising positions.
The "give everyone a gun" approach is just as stupid as the "take all the guns" approach.
You ever been to brazil?
I would be so confused why I see a word choice option floating in front of people.