Why we call people of dark complexion in the USA "African American"? They are the only race that have this. White people are called white/American. Hispanic people are called hispanic/latino/Americans. And etc.
-Were you born in Africa?
-Is anyone in the recent generations of your family from Africa?
-Do you have family still living in Africa?
No? Then guess what, you are American. There is nothing "African" about you. The title serves to further divide the American population along racial lines.
We are Americans, who happen to be white, black, hispanic, asian, etc.
Race does not define who we are. Stop with that shit PC culture.
An Italian/French American
Who cares? I mean seriously. The "Anti-PC" movement is just as stupid and frivolous as the PC one. Both of them boil down to "boohoo I don't like how this aspect of societal interaction works"