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Edited by Masque of Night: 5/12/2016 10:56:47 PM

So, I forgot I was a real person today.

This is a very miniscule detail of my day, but I thought it was sort of amusing at the time, and gave me a little something to think about. I'm currently employed with a marine electrical company. There's no relevance to this detail minus providing context for the setting, so dismiss at will. Anyway, the building we're in has two large shop areas, segmented by one small room in between them. For the past month the majority of the other employees have been out of town on installation jobs, so today there were only three of us actually in the shop, plus our boss in the office space. During the late morning, one of us left to pick up materials. I was doing my work in the back shop, the remaining employee was in the front. I was in that room for about an hour, undisturbed and at least in relative silence. Eventually I went to the break room for a cup of water and passed through the front shop, at which point I was acknowledged. Boring story so far, and it doesn't get particularly eventful, but at that point I suddenly was reminded, "Oh yeah, i'm real". For some odd amount of time I genuinely forgot that I was a "real" person, in a world with other "real" people, only to be reminded when someone else acknowledged I was there. I've spent longer amounts of time alone before, but this was the first time that happened to me. And afterwards I just sort of wondered how I managed to really forget that I existed, or other people did as well. Now I just chalk it up to a mix of sleep deprivation and not really being mindful of my surroundings at the time, but it's just sort of funny to me that self-awareness and environmental awareness can slip away like that without notice. Has anyone else had incidents like that? I hope I got the general idea of what I meant across, but it's weird to explain. I'm sure it's nothing unique to me, I just like stories, if any of y'all happen to have them. If not, how was your day? Anything good happen? Or bad? Or somewhere in between where everything was relatively normal. Feel free to check in or just talk about how you've been, if that's what you feel like doing. [spoiler]I don't make many threads for a reason, you can probably guess why if you've read up to this point.[/spoiler]

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  • I think I may relate... I sometimes just feel like I phase out of existence (or at least my mind does), while I keep on walking without acknowledging it, while having a completely blank face, then snap back to reality and feel confused. [spoiler]or maybe I was possessed...[/spoiler] [spoiler]lol jk[/spoiler]

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