I already put in the hours appeasing RNG to get it in Year 1. And RNG and I are [b][u]OLD[/u][/b] f&#@ing enemies. If my luck from year one is any indicator, then I'm not going to get that weapon back until its obsolete.
Its the only support oriented weapon in the game, the [b]ONLY[/b] damn option for a player who wants to aid his fireteam. I earned it already, I've now ran through the Prison I couldn't guess how many times trying to get it back. -to no avail.
Seriously. RNG is bullshit.
Complete bullshit. Its not f&%#ing fair. Its not fun and its seriously driving me out of the game. If there was another exotic weapon I could use to be a support guy, I would. But there isn't, that's the only one in the entire game ...you know what? Screw it. I'm just bitching now.
I'm pissed Bungie. I'm pissed off. There's my feedback.
1.) Drop Rates for the PoE exotics are extremely high. Get 20 done, and you'll have more than one 2.) You're taking this game too seriously. It's just a weapon. 3) Calm the -blam!- down. 4.) Life is unfair. Get used to it. 5.) Truth is, They're not going to change it. There's much more important things they need to work on. Instead of pouting, just go and get it.