My opinions on each legendary campaign;
Halo CE: Fairly hard.
Halo 2: Makes Dark Souls look like a 4 year old's game.
Halo 3: Fun Challenge.
Halo Wars: I forgot...
Halo 3 ODST: almost if not on par with Halo 2's
Halo Reach: Same as H3
Halo 4: Lmao, if you think this is hard... wow I really don't know what to say. (Barely a Halo game)
Halo 5: ... What? this is a HALO game thread not Call of Duty advanced Halo-fare.
While not the hardest, Halo 4's was the most frustrating for me, probably because I was only playing for the rewards, instead of liking the game and playing for the rewards.