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Edited by ArthurGsc: 4/14/2016 4:57:13 PM


Hello Bungie, I wasn't having issues with duplicated items being dropped by engrams (legendary or exotic) because every time I opened one I got different stuff. And I saw so many times on YouTube videos that people get duplicate the same item on different engrams over and over. I thought at first that I was lucky. But then I started to play more strikes and more raids and I collect so many engrams that I started to know those feelings of the YouTubers I follow. The most clearly illustrative case that comes to my mind right now is the last week that Xür came to the tower. He bring exotic chest engrams. And I want so hard the Twilight Garrison for my titan, so I decided to bough 6 exotic engrams to ensure i will got that chest piece that I want the most. And then I go to Master Rahoul to decrypt my engrams; I was so exited, I pray to the RNGSUS to give me my so wanted Twilight Garrison ~ and then... I decrypt the first three exotic engrams... And I was like: [quote]What?! Seriously??[/quote] I got three Crests of Alpha Lupi!!! Three!! Yeah, I got it with different rolls and light, but that's why the needles to re-roll exotics exist right? So then I decided to go out of the tower and let Master Rahoul to take a rest, because maybe he was tired of decrypting engrams. I don't know. So I leave and play strikes and loot some more purples and blues. When I came back to the tower I decrypt my other three exotic engrams. I got first an Armamentarium (yay!! A different one) and I feel good cause Master Rahoul was finally giving me something different. But when I opened the other two... You guess what I got? No? Another two Crests of Alpha Lupi!!! Mother of duplication!! That's my story and the problem I want to issue to you my dearest Bungie team. I hope there is something you can do to fix this. Destiny is still a good game and I don't want the guardians to go and became another thing. We need their light! Thanks for reading. Sorry for the long post. I could give you a Crest of Alpha Lupi if you want ;) Cheers! ^^

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