The title is the title. AMA.
How racy are you?
Hillary thanks you for supporting the only Republican candidate she can beat =p
Can I have a legitimate reason why?
You've come to your senses. Only one candidate can destroy the establishment and that's trump.
Glorious shitposting m8.
Who are you voting for?
Damn I'm sorry your daddy had intercourse with his sister and it caused your brain to develop deformed. Don't worry you and trump can both think about cexxing your daughters you nasty sick minded freaks
Have u always taken him seriously be very honest.
April Fools?
Are you voting for trump?
Please no
Nice tags m8
Small loan of a million dollars?
You're an idiot
* summons demon dog * Where'd ya lose your mind? I'll get it for you. Cuz you obviously need it.
Is you a thug?
How barren is your friends list?
What's your middle name?
best candidate and they're all shit
Do you honestly trust that guy?
How do you tolerate being called a racist 24/7?