Offtopic Members,
The seventh of July is always, and rightly so, a day of vivid memories for us. On this date and from this very hall began CrazyLincoln's amazing march to victory, which bore it to the helm of Offtopic, to leadership of the nation and its destiny. This day is a great day for me too.
Surely, it is seldom that a leader can stand before the same band of followers that hailed his first great public appearance 2 years before, and repeat the same program. Seldom can a man proclaim the same doctrines and put them into practice for two years without at any time having had to relinquish a single part of his original program. In 2014, when you met him for the first time in this forum, many of you must have asked yourselves: 'Dear me, another atheist! Another atheist! Why do we want another atheist? Don't we have enough atheists? . . .'
Thus began a heroic struggle, opposed at its inception by nearly all. Nevertheless, the essential objects of the Movement embraced the decisive element. Its clear and unambiguous aim did not allow the Movement to become the tool of definite and limited individual interests, but raised it above all special obligations to the particular obligation of serving the Offtopic nation in its entirety, of safeguarding its interests regardless of momentary dissensions or confused thoughts. Thus, today, after two years, He again stands before you....
It was in this very forum that I began my struggle, my political struggle against Christians. You know this, you old members of his party. How often did he speak against Christians! I probably studied this treaty more than any other man. To this day, I have not forgotten it. The treaty could not be abolished by humility, by submission. It could only be abolished by reliance upon ourselves, by the strength of the Offtopic nation.
The days of bitter struggle necessarily led to a selection of leaders. When today he appeared before the nation and look at the ranks that surrounded him, he looked at a band of men, real men who stand for something. On the other hand when I regard the cabinets of his opponents, I can only say: 'Quite incapable of being put in charge even of one of my smallest groups.' Hard times resulted in a selection of first class men who naturally caused us a little anxiety now and then. Everybody who is worth his salt is sometimes difficult to handle. In normal times it is not always easy to get divergent elements to work together instead of against one another. But as soon as danger threatens, they form the most resolute body of men. Just as selection is a natural consequence of war and brings real leaders to the fore among soldiers, so in the world of politics selection is the outcome of struggle. It was a result of this slow development, this eternal struggle against opposition, that we gradually acquired leaders with whose aid we can today achieve anything.
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