While I've been trying to "git gud" in crucible for about 2 months
[spoiler]and I'm still shite[/spoiler]
I have noticed a severe deterioration in how fun it is. It's absolutely infuriating to play now, and almost bad enough to turn one away from this game entirely
[spoiler]to, say, the division ;)[/spoiler]
Here's why:
It's not even funny anymore how laggy the crucible is currently. Are we sure the damage referee isn't a painter who paints red bars green? Because all I see now, and this goes for all playlists, is green bar players teleporting across the map and eating up bullets like they're transformers or something. It's idiotic and needs to stop.
The "meta":
It's not that a specific set of guns
Doctrine of Passing
Are overpowered, because they aren't really, it's that they're so overused. It would be okay if there was only one person using a ridiculous bullet-hose AR with a range stat of 200 and a stability stat of 2,000
[spoiler]definitely not salty[/spoiler]
But it becomes incredibly stupid once there are three of them. The lack of diversity in skirmish currently is sickening. The fact that there are only 3-4 top-tier weapons in the crucible that dominate over the others is again stupid.
1k yard stare:
Just nerf it already!
[spoiler]jk don't hurt me plz[/spoiler]
Fusion rifles:
I swear by now we had agreed that these insanely overpowered, TWO/ONE-shot weapons needed a nerf.
TL;DR: All jokes aside, Crucible is completely terrible at the moment and it's hard to actually have fun in this game because of the amount of people abusing the broken mechanics. Please introduce custom games.
TL;DR the TL;DR: Give us custom games.
What do you guys think about crucible at the moment?
[spoiler]CUSTOM GAMES[/spoiler]
Yea, i agree custom games would be really fun allowing some really cool fan made game types and would put destiny one step closer to competitive gaming :)