Welcome to the Trials Of Osiris team finderl on Xbox One. Please like the topic So It Will Be Easier To Find In The Future.
Destiny of Helpers Clan is also recruiting Guardians of all expierence and levels: https://www.bungie.net/en/Clan/Forum/863823
Post below to find a group:
GT - Philmsjs1985
LFG Need 3
320 Titan with Doctrine and 1000 Yard Stare
Fresh Run
Other forum finders & topics:
Kings Fall Raid Finder - Xbox One - https://www.bungie.net/en/Forum/Post/195925762
Kings Fall Normal Raid Finder - Xbox One: https://www.bungie.net/en/Forum/Post/195925877
320 hunter, scarab, top 5% of trials, will play with whoever, first invite I'll join. W00lzy1
Need one more player for trials be good and know what you are doing msg gt same as above for invite
Need 1 for a flawless run. Have a positive kd and 1400+ ELO.
Need 2 for trials, trying to go to the light house must be 310 + msg me to join
need 1 to Cherry Pick - we get our kd up! how it works: 1. Play Scrubz 2.Get one or two orbs down. 3.Sit+Snipe orb until cap! 4. At cap just play regularly! 5. Get some statz up! ******************* Must have gone flawless at least 10 times to play. -must have GOOD ELO! -i will check stats gt: Pizza HD
316 hunter looking for a couple of legends to help drag my sorry ass over the line! Gt as above
1.6 KD 1282 ELO (Can easily rise, I play with $hitty friends) Been flawless before.
Need one for bounties. No mic. Msg for inv
Need 2 for trials, trying to go to the light house must be 310 + msg me to join
Need 2 It's x Olly Msg me
Solid team looking for one beast to help go g Flawless today. Message for invite
Need one more player for trials be good and know what you are doing msg gt same as above for invite
316 hunter looking for a couple of legends to help drag my sorry ass over the line! Gt as above
Add Steeprhombus91 for a chill Trials run. Need 2
Need 1 person please for a flawless run Here are my stats: https://destinytrialsreport.com/xbox/Flawless%20sd/NiteKunoichix/darkhorse2288 Message me for an invite Gamertag: Flawless SD
Looking to finish off the gold tier bounty. Need 3 more completed games. Just tryna have fun. GT same as above.
Need 2 really good players for trials Never been flawless I have a 4-0 card looking to go flawless If you can help Message HeyWeckitMate
Need a 2 flawless really good flawless peoole to carry me for 5 more wins, never been flawless. 316 hunter Message HeyWreckitMate
Need two to go flawless don't suck
Looking to go 5 wins send inv I'm self res warlock
Trying out my first trials carry dosent have to be good just a team player Xbox one gamer tag Itz King Bacon
Need a 2 flawless really good flawless peoole to carry me for 5 more wins, never been flawless. 316 hunter Message HeyWreckitMate
Need 1 that can win games and go flawless. Looking for 1.3 kd+ Looking to win and get this done quick. Message gt for invite Mercy only run!!
Need help to go flawless please GT: op l apexz 21
1.26kd Titan lfg to run flawless. Inv philster16
Need a team just to do bounty Never gone flawless If you want to go flawless then i try Just a bit of fun 314 warlock self res Message HeyWreckitMate