Avengerz of death is a gaming community that spans across all platforms and multiple games including Destiny, Black Ops , Gears of War, GTA V, and more. If you are looking to join a group and are tired of always running with randoms please check us out at Avengerzofdeath.com. The few requirements we have are:
1. Age: 16+
2. Post AoD in your Bio or motto so members know who you are for other games.
3. Add your clan mates to your friends list
4. Have fun (no raging lol)
Hope to see you soon.
[quote]Avengerz of death is a gaming community that spans across all platforms and multiple games including Destiny, Black Ops , Gears of War, GTA V, and more. If you are looking to join a group and are tired of always running with randoms please check us out at Avengerzofdeath.com. The few requirements we have are: 1. Age: 16+ 2. Post AoD in your Bio or motto so members know who you are for other games. 3. Add your clan mates to your friends list 4. Have fun (no raging lol) Hope to see you soon.[/quote]