Kings Fall Hard Mode Raid
Keep it fun, try not to dismiss lower lights, we all started off somewhere ;-)
I have;
319 Titan
319 Hunter
319 Warlock
If you see me on, send me an invite, always happy to help also even after I've completed my own raids, no matter what level you are.
Happy Raiding!
Need 4 for oryx cp Gt same as above
Hosting daughters cp hardmode 319 warlock Must have ToM Must be above 315 Must have 320 weapons No scrubs no cry babys No rage quitters no carries
Looking for 1 hunter at sisters 315+ no squeakers know what you are doing!!!
Hosting daughters cp hardmode 319 warlock Must have ToM Must be above 315 Must have 320 weapons No scrubs no cry babys No rage quitters no carries
Looking for 1 hunter at sisters 315+ no squeakers know what you are doing!!!
317 Hunter for hard golgoroth cp invite me
Need one for sisters hard
312 Titan helping out my 303 friend at Golgoroth cp. not looking to do challenge message me if you need two more.
Need 2 for oryx check point must be light 315 + msg on xbox for inv
Need 5 315+ for kings fall hard mode fresh run. Gt same as above.
LF2M King's Fall HM Oryx Cp Message me with class and light level Gt: Scorpion369a Xb1
320 Hunter here starting a fresh hard raid + golgy challenge. I want 318+ light, 320 BS/TOM, mucho experience, and no wee kids. Trying to build the god team here; we're gonna beat it so fast oryx's head will spin. Msg for inv Only 1 more open slot!
LF Titan with The Touch King' Fall HM Oryx Cp Gt: Scorpion369a Xb1
Need 3 for fresh hard raid. Doing golgoroth challenge. GT same as above.
LF2M King' Fall HM Oryx Cp Gt: Scorpion369a Xb1
Need 5 for golgorath hard challenge mode on xbox one requirements are need to know what ur doing 310+ no squeakers gt same as above msg for invite
Need 5 for golgorath hard challenge mode on xbox one requirements are need to know what ur doing 310+ no squeakers gt same as above msg for invite
Starting KF Hard Fresh, 4 open slots 305+ and have mic x2k Lbsx for inv
Need 5 for fresh run be light 315 + msg on xbox for inv
317 warlock lfg for fresh hard raid send invite. GT same as name
Need 5 for warpriest 315+ message nord2903
319 hunter looking to join group for fresh Hard run.
Experienced players only please and 315 +, I Need full fireteam for hard mode oryx. Please be able to perform any of the tasks needed to defeat Oryx. Thanks !
Need one for hard oryx cp. message me on live only for invite
Need one more for sisters - please have Tom and know what your doing - message for invite - GT as above
319 warlock at golgorot cp doing challang mode Message light and class on xbox one for invite