Kings Fall Hard Mode Raid
Keep it fun, try not to dismiss lower lights, we all started off somewhere ;-)
I have;
319 Titan
319 Hunter
319 Warlock
If you see me on, send me an invite, always happy to help also even after I've completed my own raids, no matter what level you are.
Happy Raiding!
Need 1 for gologoroth challenge message: jabs1965
Need 315+ hunter for golgoroth challenge mode. Gt same as above.
Need 1 more for hard oryx 315+
Need 4 for fresh run. 315+. Doing challenge. State class and light level in message. Gt above.
Golgeroth CP challenge... Need 4... Must be 315+... No dumbasses... Gt is interpret it
316 warlock looking for a good group for fresh on hard. I want to do it quick. 315+. Gt as above. (Inv me). I have tom and spindle.
LF EXPERIENCED ppl for a fresh hard raid! must be over 316 and have your best weapons!! 318 Titan w/ T.O.M. & Black S. 320 Send me a Message for INV with light & class on Xbox only GT : Tr1gga Ray
+++++++++++++++++++ Need 2 gays for fresh raid (hard) 315+ light Galgoroth challenge Please send message for inv. If you have totem cp even better. GT: Tr1gga Ray ++++++++++++++++++++
Need 3 experienced 315+ players for golgoroth
Need 1 for golgoroth challenge hard. Message L eRiKiLLa L. 315 or above please
Need 1 at Oryx 313+pls mssg gt mobless7
Need 3 for hard fresh raid. Doing challenge. Message gt above on Xbox for invite.
Need 3 for hard fresh raid. Message gt above on Xbox for invite.
+++++++++++++++++++ Need 4 for fresh raid (hard) 315+ light Galgoroth challenge Please send message for inv. If you have totem cp even better. GT: Tr1gga Ray ++++++++++++++++++++
Starting fresh and also doing golgoroth challenge 1 more above 315 on hard mode kings fall raid. GT: kungfu7monkey
+++++++++++++++++++ Need 4 for fresh raid (hard) 315+ light Galgoroth challenge Please send message for inv. If you have totem cp even better. GT: Dha untouchable ++++++++++++++++++++
Need 3 for oryx cp. Gt same as above need 1 titan
Need 4 for fresh raid send msg for inv
Starting fresh and also doing golgoroth challenge 4 more above 315 on hard mode kings fall raid. GT: kungfu7monkey
Goodmorning ya I'm looking to do golgoroth challenge I'm a 319 hunter with black spindal gt HipNinjaYoshi have done plenty of times before
Need 4 for fresh run 315+ Doing challenge Message gt same as above
Need 1 for gologoroth challenge message: jabs1965
Starting fresh and also doing golgoroth challenge 4 more above 315 on hard mode kings fall raid. GT: kungfu7monkey
316 hunter needs 2 from war priest
Need 4 for oryx cp Gt same as above