Once upon a time. In an expansion far far away, there was a nightfall. When nightfalls where rewarding and worth the time to do and try hard at. When a fire team wipe would send you back to orbit. There was a strike called "The Will of Crota", and it was a pain in the dick. [spoiler]especially when it had arc burn.[/spoiler]
Seriously though and I'm not being rude, but this makes me think you're semi new to destiny. Omnigul was always the biggest pain in the ass as nightfall. I could usually only solo it when it was a triple burn. Please don't wish this in us.
Do you know how easy this strike actually is? Hunter tether, add raze lighter, she's dead in seconds, plus you might get a Grasp of Malok, best pulse rifle in game, with a good roll.....
I remember that good times...
Yeah but when Arc burn was on, so was my Fate bringer and it was wrecking.
Arc was the worst. I prefer no burn or fire