Pavel, after recent events decided security needed another review. He assessed the ship's defenses, the droid troops, and onboard weaponry. He found that the Geth sentinel was very helpful in this field. The two walked down various corridors looking over data pads and at the subjects outlined in them. They preformed upgrades on a few turrets and tests on bulkheads. They passed a few of their crew mates on their tasks and depending on who it was they gave different responses. They came to a stop in a high traffic area on the ship and began to talk.
[b]He begins to notice a ringing sound, almost silent, in the back of his head. As time goes on, his vision begins to grow blurry, and his movements are dulled. [/b]
He pulls out his gas mask and places it on his head. Sentinel, the Geth began to run diagnostics on Pavel and the area around them. He alerted the ship's AI and began to look for a solution.
[b]The Geth seized up, while Pavel found it hard to stand, and had soon collpased to a kneel. His vision faded in and out as he lost consciousness[/b]
The Geth began its reactivation protocol but Pavel remained unconscious.
[b]It's parts seized up, as errors were constantly flooding it's mainframe[/b]
The unique nature of the Geth made dealing with the errors easy. The multiple programs that inhabit the mobile platform began countering whatever was attacking it. Though it had to divert attention from reactivation.