I played 25 matches of crimson doubles and I got a fall emote for my efforts. It was cool the first 10 - 15 matches but once the bounties are up there is no reason to keep going. Feel like trials doubles without a passage card or any good rewards. Bungie you hyped up this event but it's weak and already boring. Give us pve content ffs. I'll also add my update took hours on the ps4 for something very small
Lol, mine finished in 10 mins
wired 100meg took me 5 minutes
Hours? My Friends and mine also were done in like 30min max
Yeah I played on my ps3 yesterday. My ps4 took all night to download
Man really... Took me 4 min... I'm sowwie brosef
I wish. I had a wired 25mb connection and it took no time on my ps3. I might have been downloading with the massive hoards of people but it also said it was an 18gb update wtf is with that