Get him some good bearings and throw in a ring to lay your claim. I'd say get a separate container for the ring, you don't want grease to get all over it
[spoiler]and for the sake of good puns get him a bear ring[/spoiler]
Hahahahaha dead
Oh yeah I forgot. Incase he dies for whatever reason get him a defib unit. I'm sure all three of those together is well over $35, meaning you can get free shipping on amazon
So now that I answered your question [spoiler]kinda[/spoiler] What would be a good DIY gift for my girlfriend for valentines day? I would buy her something, but I just don't have the money. Going to school full time and not having a legitimate job kinda puts me in the position where I can't buy her a present
Awwwww. My bf for last Valentines bought me chocolate and played the guitar for me. He claims he doesn't sing well but it was the most beautiful thing I've ever heard. I cried. And forgot about the chocolates haha. [spoiler]Idk about DIY, but I think the best gifts are the ones you can't buy anywhere :)[/spoiler]
Well thanks anyways, if your boyfriend has any suggestions (not related to being talented/well practiced like he is) then tell him to fire away