What Bernie would do is guarantee a drop from Oryx in every difficulty. Legendary engrams, exotic engrams, and the Nightfall would reward you something higher light level than currently equipped. The RNG would take into consideration your light level and the light level of the currently equipped items, and then the raid would drop you only things that are higher light level then the things you currently have. Once you reach 315, exotic engrams will drop 320 exotics. Problem solved.
This is fine in a video game, where these things cost nothing.
At first the cost may be high. But it's called investing in the future. As soon as more people have better educations they can Look for better jobs. When we pay the lowest people more they have more money to spend. That money gets circulated throughout our economy versus some higher ups bank account. Having more people with better jobs means the cost is spread between even fewer people allowing for us to lower the tax amount. Doing nothing means we are going to continue adding to our issues. Giving more money to the wealthiest people has done nothing.
I think everyone agrees that no one wants to give money to the wealthy. But if you mandate that every employee pay their employees at least "X" amount, you're driving costs up as well as wage, and it's the ccheaper goods that her the biggest hike, since they're (were) the cheapest to produce. I'm all for lowering education costs and making it much, much more accessible to low income individuals, but paying a 15 year old at McDonald's what an emt makes in my hometown doesn't help the workforce, it minimizes incentives to become educated and kills the desire to advance from unskilled to skilled labor.
That's where you are wrong though. By paying lower wage employees more, they are the majority, you are adding more money to the class that spends the most. This in return leads to higher profits for small businesses who can then turn around and pay their employees the minimum wage. Costs may go up but not to the extent that most people believe. Having a seperate wage for teenagers would be a better idea. Most teenagers can only work part time so the minimum wage hike would barely affect them. All it would do is give them more money which they can choose to save or spend.
I was expecting to have an argument, or at least a debate, but I think we actually agree on a lot of this. I don't think a wage hike would work, but I've been wrong before. I would absolutely be for it on a "probationary" basis; that is, try it for a year or two and reverse it if things get worse. I would love to be wrong about it.
That's all I ask. More people making more money means that more money can be put back into our economy. It isn't easy. But anything worth fighting for usually isn't the easiest thing to accomplish. Wages should be set based off of where you live. $15 here in California is a lot different then $15 in Oklahoma.