Jumping in my mind and reading it like a book!
I said I wasn't going to. I was pretty damned adamant about it.
Didn't know what Rift even was really about.
Tried it once and walked away with a .25 for my efforts.
Nope, skipping this IB! Can't do it. Can't take the chance on dropping my slowly rising (.85 :( ), scrub level k/d.
Just 24 hours ago I added to the negativity of it being introduced into IB on the forums.
Umm... yeah.
Decided I better watch some youtube videos on how Rift is done.
You know, just in case a friend catches me off guard when I'm bored and jumps me into one of the IB matches (how it happened the only time I stepped into a Rift match). Obviously wasn't IB, but he knew I didn't like Crucible and did it anyway.
Some of those vids looked kind of fun.
I may just have to give it a shot.