It wasn't Bungie who ruined the game. The original meta was pretty cool, no bs, no drama. And then along came the shitty community. We want this. Remove that. Nerf this nerf that. You need to point the fingers at yourselves for allowing it.
It's not the community and it's not the nerfs that ruined this game for me. Its the blatant disrespect Bungie has for it's players. I came into this game expecting for a huge open world where I could find myself drowning in the story, where I could hang out with friends and get good loot, where I could make my character unique and feel some sort of empowerment over other players. This never happened, no. Bungie got rid of some of their best story line directors and let Activision penetrate their arseholes. They have squeezed me, and every last one of you for your very last penny. Now some of might say "Oh just get a job". I did that, I payed for my own DLC. Yet Bungie never backed down. They stuck out their greedy hands and demanded I give them a small payment of $30 every couple months for content I already owned. Then when TTK was released they cut the price for everything I owned and sold it for half I had already payed for newer players. TTK was ok, had some new stuff, I enjoyed it for a while. But it was just the same as always. You grind, and you either do or don't get rewards. It's simple, in Destiny you're just a player who roles numbers to win. To Bungie you're just a demographic, you're just one more dash on the wall for them to extort and control. I'm done with Destiny, this game makes me sick. Go ahead, tell me, tell me I why I shouldn't be here. Tell me why I can't say anything here on the forums because I don't play anymore. Unfortunately for you lot, I see the game as it is. I don't sit around seeing what I want. I don't sit back and let Activision fist me with 3 hands, one of those in my wallet. No, I see the truth, and that truth is ugly.