Gally, Icebreaker, Thorn, Vex Methoclast and other countless legendary weapons that we enjoyed are useless in year 2 bungie took that away from us Crota raid is useless VOG which was my favorite raid useless POE useless the reef is useless and was just introduced last April they cut out 2/3 of the constant that people use to play and it's the communities fault? weapon nerfs was only a small part in the change to the content what about the rest... Nightfall sucks they recycle the same crap over and over again in heroic strikes this game has been chopped up so bad
You do understand how DLC/expansions with level cap changes work, right? Do you think that after Wrath of the Lich King came out that you would see people in Shattrath who weren't leveling? No way. Get used to it, it's not likely to ever change when a game is designed to accept updates like that. It's just the natural progression. There will always be nostalgia for old content when you had "the most fun".
Vex is not bad in pvp atm, and u can still use tally or breaker in pve except those lv40 ones