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1/20/2016 5:41:25 AM

YOU ruined the game, NOT Bungie

It wasn't Bungie who ruined the game. The original meta was pretty cool, no bs, no drama. And then along came the shitty community. We want this. Remove that. Nerf this nerf that. You need to point the fingers at yourselves for allowing it.

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  • No the storyline has always sucked

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  • It's not the community and it's not the nerfs that ruined this game for me. Its the blatant disrespect Bungie has for it's players. I came into this game expecting for a huge open world where I could find myself drowning in the story, where I could hang out with friends and get good loot, where I could make my character unique and feel some sort of empowerment over other players. This never happened, no. Bungie got rid of some of their best story line directors and let Activision penetrate their arseholes. They have squeezed me, and every last one of you for your very last penny. Now some of might say "Oh just get a job". I did that, I payed for my own DLC. Yet Bungie never backed down. They stuck out their greedy hands and demanded I give them a small payment of $30 every couple months for content I already owned. Then when TTK was released they cut the price for everything I owned and sold it for half I had already payed for newer players. TTK was ok, had some new stuff, I enjoyed it for a while. But it was just the same as always. You grind, and you either do or don't get rewards. It's simple, in Destiny you're just a player who roles numbers to win. To Bungie you're just a demographic, you're just one more dash on the wall for them to extort and control. I'm done with Destiny, this game makes me sick. Go ahead, tell me, tell me I why I shouldn't be here. Tell me why I can't say anything here on the forums because I don't play anymore. Unfortunately for you lot, I see the game as it is. I don't sit around seeing what I want. I don't sit back and let Activision fist me with 3 hands, one of those in my wallet. No, I see the truth, and that truth is ugly.

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  • Try to please everyone, you'll please no one. I'm not saying the community ruined weapon balancing, yes a lot of wimps cried out for nerfs (and in time, got them) but most likely more so because of statistics that they sometimes post. I've never called for a nerf, I'm not a good enough PVP player to call what's strong or weak, I just play with what I like. But I digress... The game has been foiled by a lack of content. KF came out a year on from release, by December we already had TDB, and by this time last year our mouths were already watering at HoW. What have they offered us in year 2 so far? Nothing. Not a thing. TL;DR if they want to save the game, they need to release something big and soon, or more people will leave because they have exhausted the KF raid. And most won't come back...

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  • Wasn't much of a game to start with...

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  • Why is everybody crying about the current meta? Trials of TLW aside I am killed by a variety of weapons at the moment, and a lot of guns work well in the situations they are supposed to be good in. But I haven't been around quite from the start. So I can't really judge the AR "era".

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  • Year 1 HC n other was good

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  • Complain about other people complaining............. Interesting

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  • Bunghole decides what to nerf and what to buff. Bunghole decides how much to nerf or buff. I've seen some excellent ideas here from people about what new content would make the game more dynamic . . . but bunghole ignores them. I've seen some amazing art concepts for sparrows and ghosts . . . but bunghole ignores them, instead we get an IB ghost that looks like a ball of snot. We have no say in this game, or it might be a whole lot better !

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    2 Replies
    • every since TTK I feel like this community has gotten even more toxic then LOL's community or Dota's

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    • Oh yea, the .04% buff was my fault

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    • Lmfao that is true, bungie also needs to learn how to do testing properly though. They seem to rely on the entire player base instead of doing some insider testing. Bad move on their part I'd say.

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    • Nop, bungie did.

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    • Edited by k78478k: 1/21/2016 6:59:32 AM
      This is half right, but half wrong. I hope you realize Bungie is useless when it comes to balancing Destiny, we ask for a nerf, and guess what they do? Make it useless. We need a minor buff for something, what happens? It dominates all of the previously nerfed garbage weapons at an insane level.

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    • The only shitty thing the community did was accept microtransactions for content. Bungie's failure with weapon balancing, on the other hand, is not our fault. [b]I'll just give some examples that you can agree or disagree with:[/b] I don't pay [i]that[/i] much attention to the forums, but how many PSA's has Deej put out about y2 maps having exceedingly more sniper lanes than y1? Map design has gotten better, imo, but y1 taught us cqc and only cqc! I know he will feature community members in some weekly news items, but why doesn't the community manager... manage community expectations? Again, I could be missing it, but if there are widespread (and remember that forums are the vocal minority) concerns, Deej is the guy to address them. He simply is not addressing them. Ok, not all on Deej- he seems like a nice dude. On to the pvp team: why [i]can't[/i] they figure out weapon balance? Jokes about decimal places aside, if special weapons are the problem then why do we get so much special ammo? Why do we spawn in with it!? This requires zero weapon tuning and we've only flirted with an ammo nerf once (right?). What about custom game mode lobbies? No exotics! Only exotics! No special ammo! Infinite special ammo! If the issue is spreading the population too thinly, why not a rotating custom lobby, similar to how the weekly already rotates? They do it with the Nightfall modifiers! I'm just saying if people hate snipers/shotguns so much, why not offer them a way to truly avoid them? TL:DR the community is within reason to expect more from Bungie. I, for one, just hope change comes [b][u]WITHOUT[/u][/b] more microtransactions!

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      1 Reply
      • Edited by iNezodZ: 1/21/2016 12:12:48 PM
        its bungie the could have done so many cool things but no its not there. we have been asking for like 1000 years for custom games but its still fcking dust

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      • Bungie did the opposite, before. With Reach. The beta was a perfect Halo. Damn near for the fans. We loved it, so much. Then, when the final product came. We just flipped the table. They completely changed everything. And I mean everything. From jump height, to base running speed, and sprint speed. The jetpack. Armor lock. Bubble shield. Everything felt not only balanced, but fun AF. Bungie stated in a podcast before. The reason why they changed it all. Because of the fans. Yes, you. But in a bad way... They said since Reach was going to be their last Halo. They wanted to make it play THEY wanted to. NOT what the fans wanted/liked. Or, take into consideration our ideas. They essentially left it as a blueprint. A canvas of sorts. For 343 to work off of. TL;DR bungie changed their game BC of the fans. Which was negative. Imho, the least played and sold Halo of its time. Opposite of what they do now, which is heed everything you whine about. And change and alter the game so much. Quit being hypocrites and complaining about the very thing you helped create.

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      • Sit your ass down, you lil mayonnaise kid.

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      • I've never once asked for a nerf, and that in my opinion ruined the game, so many good weapons grenades and supers ruined because of crybabies

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      • Personally. I think u are right. The only think I never liked was the warlock melee since day one...

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      • Original Meta was actually pretty nice, all those Shingen E's and C's

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      • Whoa, I didn't do shit you pastry -blam!-! [spoiler]jk[/spoiler]

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      • Weapon rebalancing won't make or break a game. A lack of content will though.

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      • It's the kunters

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      • #FACT People complained about shotguns. They get nerf. So everyone moved on the snipers. People still complain. People complain about hand cannons and pulse rifles. They get nerf. Now people complain about scouts. Now matter what bungie does to fix something, some one will always be unhappy.

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        2 Replies
        • No. And Yes. Three of Coins was a bad move imo, because they shorten the lifespan of the game. Most of us played for over a thousand hours Y1, because we were waiting for the gjally or some other exotic to drop. Now I've actually gone and created a new account to recapture the magic, but guess what I did? I used a spark to get to 25 and I've been spamming 3oC. So, yes, I am the problem. There's really nothing wrong with Destiny overall. I have a million complaints, don't get me wrong, but I mean that this game is awesome and I feel that most people just want the game to do all the work for them.

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        • Edited by JHarv: 1/21/2016 5:41:05 AM
          Pretty sure Bungie doesn't make changes based on a few user opinions. They analyze data, see where things are at, and change what needs to be changed based on data points on charts and numbers in spreadsheets. People who complain about weapons, notice weapons are a statistical anomaly, which may happen to be supported by Bungie's data, and that's when you see a change.

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