I'm not usually one to do this, but I thought I'd share these here if anyone wants to check them out. I've made two "funtages" with a variety of gaming clips. Check them out if you want and let me know what you think!
Games include:
Halo: MCC
Halo 5
CoD: Blops 3
Star Wars: Battlefront
Gear of War: UE
Lego Batman 3 (Seriously)
Shadow of Mordor
Rise of the Tomb Raider
Fallout 4
And more!
These are just clips of moments I've enjoyed. Some might only be funny to me, but feel free to check it out. I'm not hunting for likes or subscribes. Just though I'd share.
If anyone else has anything like this or cool clips, show them off here and I'll check them out!
Also, I'm the one who hosted the Halothon for charity last April. The entire thing (almost) can be watched on that same YouTube channel if you missed it or you want to see a playthrough of the Halo games!