"Oh... I'm surprised by how kind of stupid and predictable he is, I'm a wisp, wisps used to just walk around and pick stuff up, it was crazy easy to know where they would be, but dear god this guy has the most OBVIOUS traps..."
"He doesn't have much experience with your kind so he was expecting you to be below human intelligence. He won't be nearly as easy to figure out next time."
"I would hope so, I'd like to die at the hands of someone with more intellectual power than a rock"
"He certainly has that."
"Good... Now how can I kill it now that he has his stone."
"Nothing short of a planet falling on it would break that thing. Roger is getting a diamond crusted metal glove made."
"I should try to help." [b]he tries to get up again[/b]
"You're still missing an eye and the doctor says you need rest." She keeps him in the bed.
[b]he reluctantly gives up and lays back down[/b] "You've got to be kidding me"
"Hey, we have time. He'll first go and reclaim the realm he lost."
"Fine. I need to get some enhancements on my sword if it's gonna do anything" [b]he gets up, the bones snapping in his broken leg[/b]
"I told you to stay in bed." She doesn't let him get up. "Bones heal slowly, even with magic."
"Fine.... So.."
"Just rest and your leg should be fine in a few hours, you will also need a new eye. That's harder."
"Ehh... I can live without an eye, plus I know a guy who can "help"
"Rest Shepard, you're panting from just talking."
"Okay.. Okay fine."
"Good, I'll be back in a while. I have to go help Roger and the others enchant the glove." She steps out.
"Fine... Thanks for saving me."