If this is actually a serious post, and the 302 mentioned is reading this, please add me on Xbone and I'll gladly take you through.
Bro im 280, is it ok for HM?
Haha you can try if it'll let you in but I can't guarantee our other 4 fireteam members won't rage quit on us!!
It'd be better for you to run normal mode first until at least you're at 300+ light so that you don't get one shotted by almost everything
Hmm.. So like nightfall? I believe I can survive in that situation
if the 302 used the forum he wouldnt have to beg people in the tower to help , but beg here
I'm a beta player and I'm sad to admit I didn't even know about these forums until the November after it came out haha!! Wasted so much VoG time because I couldn't figure out why nobody would join me from the tower