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1/8/2016 10:00:48 PM

Crucible in General (just my opinion)

For the people that are going to say TLDR, this post in short is just my opinion on crucible and the current meta. These are just some of my opinions and will continue to post more depending on if anyone is reading and contributing. Also I'm not the best crucible player but I would say I am pretty good even though I use "fun" guns like NLB, hard light, and other non meta guns even though I do use meta guns a majority of the time. Anything here I can elaborate on I'd asked. Anyways, I'll start with just the big stuff and start with snipers. We all know that sniper have way too much aim assist so let's get that out of the way. Sniper are,in my opinion, too easy to use and are in a good spot when it comes to damage and fire rate, only problem is that they are easy to use and my suggestion to make this a little better is to take players out of hard scoped positions when hit by the enemy....anywhere. This will increase the skill needed to use them and make it seem more fair. Second, heavy and special ammo. Right now, special and heavy ammo, for some people, "breaks" that game and I agree and disagree with this. Inferno skirmish right now feels like what destiny hardcore pvp should slowly evolve to and improve from. Special ammo though should come three times during the match like heavy ammo does now and heavy should spawn once in the match. Getting rid of heavy, gets rid of a gun slot that bungie wants use to use so getting rid of it all together doesn't make sense to me These are all just my opinions and can post more of my thoughts if people want to take the time to read it. More topics can include, specific weapons, certain supers, blink, and exotics weapons and armor. Thank you for reading and comment away!

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