311 Hunter looking for 5 to run VOG, add BluNova97
Edit: Thanks guys for using this threat to help each other out getting a party together, as of now I'm not interested in running VOG myself so please [b]stop[/b] sending me invites or friend requests. If you're looking for a group yourself, go right ahead and comment on this thread to find some people.
Much appreciated guys
Can I join? It would be my 1st time..
Need 5 doin no time to explain quest AsatoMotors
Need 4 for vog run. Already at conflux checkpoint. Message me for invite. Gt: Munseyman
Need 2 for vault of glass normal fresh run. Add Mr_corninspector
LFG VoG add jalani26
+1 vog
Need 3 fresh run
Need 2 for VOG add lezkd
Need vog
Anyone running VoG who isn't a dick ? <3
VOG for no time to explain
Need Atheon ntte
Need 3 add cryoneter at Atheon
319 hunter trying to do vault just for the heck of it. Add TheAlphaDoge13 if interested
Looking for 4 VOG hard players add lezkd
Looking for 4 normal VoG
Fresh VOG run. Add wukipon and join.
Need 4 for fresh VoG
If anyone needs help with VOG or NTTE please add me fig_561. Willing to join a group.
Need one VoG normal. NTTe
Looking for a group at Atheon for bounty. I'm 319 just need quick kill. Add ammomac5
Need 2 for fresh run. NTTE quest line. Quick run. Gt same as name.
Need 4 for fresh run normal. Message spiffy_man007
Need 3 for Atheon normal. Add fig_561
Lfg vog hard Templar cp Need relic holder