"I'm just sayin'...not having affection for a paternal figure's kinda..."
"You say that because you don't know the story."
"I guess I can see why you wouldn't like him. I couldn't think of a scenario in which I'd hate mine. At least my father was a good man."
"It's the truth. Yours was a monster."
"I know. You don't need to remind me."
"I can't really help my hatred."
"Then why do you try?"
"I don't."
"You haven't shot me yet. You are."
"That's different. Completely and utterly different. I'm...just pumping you for, uh, information. Yeah."
She scoffed. "You've only heard a little bit. You've only seen the tip of the Iceberg."
"Then maybe I can pump you a bit harder." Erik took a second to think about what he just said. "..."
"... I think we both know how many ways we both could've taken that.."
"...I could've said that better..."
"You [i]could've[/i]. But, not a lot of people can get a good choice of words for every situation."
"Yeah, that's true."
"I just love how we're having a nice conversation while pointing guns at each other."
He shrugged. "You aren't that bad for a Yor, to be honest."
"... Eh. I'm only like my dad when I'm angry."
"Remind me not to make you angry."
"I'm a Yor. That should remind you."
"Well, I might forget from time to time. I get...distracted easily, to say the least."
"Wait, so you're telling me, you can forget your dad died?"
"No, but it might slip my mind that I'm angry with you in particular. I don't really have a reason to, anyway."