I'm starting to think DeeJ wants to be photoshopped, but here's the pic, judging from his position and look on his face, he needs a good Photoshopping.
Edit: new one right here https://pbs.twimg.com/media/CVmGeCnVAAAROGN?format=pjpg&name=large
Edit: somebody photoshop DeeJ on this now! http://cdn.discogs.com/HxAEH7suGIuujXitptKdk5xp758=/fit-in/300x300/filters:strip_icc():format(jpeg):mode_rgb()/discogs-images/L-330201-1383676699-1055.jpeg.jpg
Don't have the art anymore
Edited by BoggedHydra61: 12/6/2015 10:33:55 PMi feel like it should be photoshoped onto donalds trumps face and it should say "bungie doesn't care about xbox users anymore, go back to Halo Reach"(in result of the new iron banner exclusive gear) but the caption seems stupid . do you think i should do that