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12/6/2015 2:42:19 AM
[b][i][u]Crota and Oryx intended to swallow our Light. I wish it reborn. I wish for our Light to burn so brightly that no Darkness can even approach us without being burned. My army follows me not under threat or control but because they wish this as well. If we stand here and criticize each other, the Darkness will grow closer. We must stand united. Incorruptible. Unwavering. Powerful as possible. You fed off our Light. Watch as you are slow starved and your Light grows dimmer. I give you a chance. Join me. Watch your Light be that of star. I offer you this power. Reject me and forever be a candle. The Darkness will rise and snuff you out without second thought. But our Light will burn against this Darkness. And know you had a chance to be so bold[/u][/i][/b]

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